Unconditional Love Activator

Your First Step To Freedom, Power, Purpose, And Self-Expression

When You Feel You Are Loved, Appreciated -Unconditionally – Life Stops Being An Uphill Struggle

Get the Unconditional Love Remedy

We are told that our parents should love us. That our siblings should love us. That our teacher should love us. That our boy-friends, girl-friends, spouses, children should love us.

So we set out on a quest to earn their unconditional love… which, of course cannot be earned.

Real love can only be given freely, for no reason at all. So, most of us, sadly, spend our lives looking for love to feel whole and complete.

Because Without Love No One Feels Complete

Now you can feel loved…

  • Even if you make mistakes
  • Even if you procrastinate, don’t clean your room, or are afraid to do stuff
  • Even if you carry extra weight on your body, or on your soul
  • Even if you did something really really really bad… and you feel guilty about it
  • Even if you don’t feel deserving
  • Even if you have never felt loved before
  • Because of this miraculous activator

You will feel like your life just began… and you can start with a clean slate…

Even My Grandson Experienced Transformation, Wow!

Remember, I was the first person to get the Unconditional Love Activator. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I just trusted you that you would not give me anything that is not good for me.

It was amazing. I was buzzing, I was bubbling, I was in heaven.

I didn’t quite understand what I was supposed to experience after the activator, but there was something that happened a day after the activator download.

My four and a half year old grandson told me that he was going to stop throwing temper tantrums. I was like “That’s great!” and I was wondering what would happen.

Then every day he came home from kindergarten and told me how many days he had been tantrum-free.

On the 21st day me and his mother took him out to celebrate.

He hasn’t had a tantrum since, and he stopped being obnoxiously loud and demanding as well.

I am sure it was the Unconditional Love activator that got to him through my history level, as you explained.

Thank you so much to you and Source.

Nancy F in New Jersey

  • In addition to the remedy
  • You’ll get a video that actually downloads the activator directly to you
  • So you can experience the activator download in the most powerful way
  • The activator will wipe away all the history of no love, so you can really start with a clean slate
  • And now, not needing love, attract a lot of love… as need has repelled love before

I’m in some kind of awed silence, even the ‘monkey’ is more quiet this morning

I’ve listened it yesterday and fell asleep at the very beginning. I woke up at the end of the second round (the player automatically played it again) – slept more than 1 hour!

Surrendering? Since then I’m in some kind of awed silence, even the ‘monkey’ is more quiet this morning.

You can re-listen it whenever you want and as many times as you want, right?

love it and love you
Belgrade, Serbia


Buy it through Paypal or with a credit card:

Get the Unconditional Love Remedy

(My daughter) becomes very easy going, sings, helps around, has good attitude and hasn’t even had a fit yet

I was just going to let you know that your Unconditional Love activator has the most impact on my daughter. For some reason Hoe and Abundance activator don’t affect her in the way that Unclove does. I mean it changes her. She becomes very easy going, sings, helps around, has good attitude and hasn’t even had a fit yet.

I mean it’s so precious to me. Both of my children are very creative. They create toys, they made up a recipe for clay by digging up dirt and sifting it and mixing with water and make things from that clay, they build, draw, make up recipes and imagine stuff that I can’t even come up with in my dreams. I believe your energies help them in that.

I will be playing both now at the same time unc. love activator and abundance and watch them. Thank you.

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