Summary: Energy remedies are the next line of defense, the next healing modality. Eearly adopters are raving… but the general population, hasn’t even heard about them, don’t trust them. But they work, and they work fast and effectively.
I never believed in energies, until 2010. I actually thought of anyone who babbled on about energies that they were flakes… I accompanied my boy friend to a get-together with a friend. They spent a few hours swapping energies… Showing off.
I was prepared to be bored, instead I was, in quick succession, tormented, delighted, soothed, uplifted, and torn apart by the energies they gave to each other.
Energies can be defined, felt, transmitted, and infused in suitable medium.
You go to the chiropractor and they use light or laser therapy… you see the light, you believe that something is happening.
You get X-ray: you believe that something is happening.
You put your food into the microwave: it heats up… there must be something there… energy?
I put my hands on your head, and you believe that I am doing something… right?

Dr. Bach and his followers soak flower petals in water… you believe in the chemical component. They dilute it to pure water… you still believe that… after all they started with SOMETHING… a flower.
I download energies on a call… maybe you believe it.
I tell you that the energies are carried by the sound… and you are doubtful, that’s why you never use the replays or the audio activators: all carriers of a specific, laser pinpointed energy or energies… Must be mass hypnosis, you say when you look at the testimonials.
I infuse the energies into liquid, and you say: definitely not true.
And you lose. You lose because your world view got stuck in an outmoded world view: if you can’t see it it doesn’t exist.
I have gone through all the phases you will need to go through to appreciate and incorporate the new into your world view.
I remember a Star Trek episode, where a doctor of another civilization healed an incurable patient by just sending him some energies… it felt sooo hokey to me, and this was just a few years ago.
I remember doubting the Bach Flower Remedies… or any homeopathic remedy.
Today I am ahead of you.
Energies can be “bottled” and used as if I put my sweet hands on your body. They work, and they work precisely, specifically, and fast.
Of course, because you don’t know what they are doing… you can be faked. Big time. Example: chakra clearning, etc… chakra treatments are bogus and bs.
The problem is the “practitioner.” In my humble opinion, unless you can feel what the energy does to another person, you are not qualified to be an energy practitioner… because you base everything on your beliefs… believing what someone told you.
Tree of Knowledge.
The only real measure of success is what happens… reliably, every time.
Everything else is hearsay, and largely ineffective bs. Sorry to say.
I have more empaths among my readers, students, and customers, than would, proportionately, justified by their frequency in the population. There are only a couple of thousand of them in the world, and I have about 40 of them reading my articles, doing my programs.
Being an empath means a lot of things, but it also means that you approach the world with your feelings, and that you feel energies. You feel them precisely, the exact same way like any other empath.
A normal non-empath person doesn’t feel much, and even a sensitive is feeling another stronger than they feel their own feelings..
Feeling an energy is not a requirement for the energy to work on you. Your sensitivity is below the subtle energies… that’s why you don’t feel them. But the results, those you see, feel, and experience.
Sleep Rescue aka Heaven on Earth: Effectively deals with all 40 emotions that cause blockages. Look them up.
What kind of energies do I use in the remedies and in the activators?
- the Bach Energies Bundle (HOE) sold infused in water on Amazon as Sleep Rescue
- the Unclove Bundle is in the Unclove Remedy
- The Second and Third Phase Activators Bundle
these are all emotional and spiritual energies and can all be infused in water or downloaded through audio - The Energizer – energizes water to its full vibration. Restores the water’s coherence
- The Carrier – neutral amplifying energy to make the subtle energies stronger and carry through air.
Diagnostic and healing energies: - T-Energy,
- G-Energy, and the
- Unbreakable These are very strong energies and I rarely use them other than healing or diagnosing physical issues.
PS: as I was looking for images for this post, I encountered sites and entire modalities that engage in fraud and misguiding tree of knowledge. Beware, please.