Your Blockages to Success, Love, Intimacy, Your Fears and Anxiety: GONE
Introducing A New Healing Modality: Heaven on Earth: Raise Your Vibration

Let me tell you a quick story:
As usual I started my day with checking my email…
One email was about how Thomas Kinkaid drank and drugged himself to death.Life is mighty tough. We meet success, we meet fame, but our emotional maturity, our inner world doesn’t keep up with it, and we self-medicate. We take drugs, we take alcohol, we sex, or the myriad of other addictive, covering up the symptoms behaviors.
All those beautiful people died because they didn’t know how to cope with the discrepancy between the inner and outer reality.
We live in a world that only works for us if we don’t react in old and dysfunctional ways with anxiety, depression, fear, anger, possessiveness, etc.
The New Humanity will be reacting in healthy ways… but until then, until The New Humanity, let me help you cope and let me help you react in new ways… so the world can work for you, so you can live the life you deserve, without drugs, alcohol, and what have you… OK?
It is true: bad feelings like depression, anxiety, worry, fear, jealousy, obsessive thinking can now be managed and often completely eradicated by a simple and effective Energy Modality: Heaven on Earth Bach Energies in a bottle.
If you are like me this would be true about you:
If your life were a garden, we could be pretty sure that it would be riddled by weeds…
Your good intentions, your good qualities, good aspirations are often overthrown by the weeds that want to take over your beautiful garden, you.
Negativity, bad habits, bad thoughts, character flaws… all threaten to drown out what’s good about you. They keep you hostage and don’t allow you to live the life of your dreams: happiness, joy, prosperity: am I right about you?
So, if this were your garden and you would need a tool perfect for the job, you would reach for the hoe: a garden tool specifically for removing, unearthing weeds, so that what’s good about you can start to become dominant… wouldn’t you?
Accidentally, the perfect tool to do the same thing for your life is called Heaven On Earth, and the acronym comes to hoe… There are no accidents!
When big truths are uncovered, they always connect to truths that were already around, they are never on their own, a high peak… so to say.
So, what is the HOE, Heaven on Earth?
Heaven on Earth is an energy bundle.

Each energy specifically targets an emotion, a mind/character weed and zaps it. There is an energy for depression, there is one for fear, there is one for quitting early, there is one for anxiety, and one for feeling alone.
There are 40 distinct energies, and so far I haven’t found any human weakness that isn’t covered by at least one of these energies.
And they do work like an energy-hoe: go smack to the root of the weakness and pull it.
So how do you take it? HOE comes in two forms: consumable and downloadable.
Consumable is easy to understand: it is infused in some drops that you put into your water, but it can be infused into your chocolate, into your breath-mint, into your soda, into your lip-balm, into your swimming pool, etc.
Downloadable is harder to understand: but you’ll get it: It is infused into sound. Most conveniently into a sound on your computer or on your smart phone. You close your eyes, you quickly enter a reverie state, and you listen to the sound for a few seconds.
And the third way is self-called, for that you need to be fully connected to Source.
My declared purpose is causing Planetary Ascension: a world that works for everyone, with no one left out.
Most healing modalities are one-on-one. The source of the Heaven on Earth Energy Bundle is such modality: it is based on the Bach Flower remedies you can buy in grocery stores.
The remedies are made of specific flowers, and then you take a few drop of them a few times a day.
The problem is that when I muscle-test people, they need about twenty of those 40 flowers… and even if they could afford to take them at $16 a bottle, if you mix more than 8 of those flowers, they start to neutralize each other.
Not effective enough, and definitely not suitable for mass-consumption.
HOE to the rescue: each flower’s energy was duplicated by Source, exactly, with nothing added and nothing left out.
When you mix energies, they don’t interact. Energies can be infused into liquids without any change in their character. and when you consume those liquids you get the same benefit as the flower remedies minus the price, minus the inconvenience of having to be tested, minus the loss of efficacy by mixing the remedies.
When you take Heaven on Earth in a bottle, the individual energies that match your weaknesses, emotions, or character flaws battle it out and weaken the emotions or simply nuke them, for a while.
The individual energies that don’t meet their nemesis go through your and create some expensive urine… oh well, not very expensive, lol.
After continuous use, the bad habits, the dark feelings, the character flaws weaken, and the best of you takes over, and dominate.
The feelings that have kept you small, and unsuccessful in your life are weakened or gone. Now you have the courage, the energy, the persistence, to actually accomplish the stuff that you haven’t been able to accomplish, the stuff you were born to do, the life you were born to live.
You attract a different kind of life to you, and the quality of your life improves tremendously.
This is what I mean by a world that works for everyone with no one left out.
Will you become an Einstein, a Bill Gates, a Pavarotti? You will become the best you and you will be happy with that.
So, let’s summarize what’s so:
You need help. Your emotions ravage your body, cloud your judgments, make you sick, and spoil your relationships with your family, your friends, co-workers, bosses, business partners. You need help and you need it fast.
You don’t want to go to a shrink, you don’t want to take anti-depressants that make you tired all the time, or kill your sex drive. Or take some other drug that makes you fat and sluggish. Or take a third one that eventually will cause you to have a heart attack. But you want relief and you want it fast.
Heaven on Earth is that solution…
- You can order it and it will be in your hands as fast as the postal service is willing
- It works and it works fast. Within a week people will ask you what happened: you will be alread better. That fast
- No side effects. Energy medicine has no side effects.
- Available in alcoholic and non-alcoholic format: please specify when ordering
- Inexpensive. You can take it forever without making a dent in your budget
- Tastes good
- Will force you to drink more water… that alone is worth the price… lol
Try it an you will be sold.
From our happy users:
- …Decades long depression disappeared overnight..
- …I found myself breathing easy and deep
- …My Insomnia eased and then lifted completely
- …I can take criticism like a champ…
- …I am finding myself eating less and less often… The pounds seem to melt away without trying
Raise Your Vibration:
Get your Heaven on Earth in a bottle
This is the fastest way to feel better about yourself, and about the world… and raise your vibration. In fact, it is a requirement to all my students: it gets you over the hump nicely.
Remedy comes in a bottle, enough for 4-6 weeks.

Why is it so expensive in Canada? Because Canada is the headquarters of the Dark Side and until I find out that it’s not so, I need to use the “old” method of muscle testing and using original Bach Flower remedies to prepare your personal Heaven on Earth, then store it, so I don’t have to charge you again for the test.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Amazing Results!,
By Starts –
I wouldn’t be without this product…for lots of reasons.. Not only does it help with sleep, it relaxes and brings clarity, almost immediately. Doesn’t create sleepiness… but somehow helps remove all the things blocking you, so you can get your own rest.
Love that I can give it to my young child with positive effects!!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Amazing results!,
By mickey faust –
It does not do this product justice to just call it a sleep aid. It is so much more than that. It will reduce your anxiety levels throughout the entire day. You will feel calm and relaxed and better able to handle the problems life brings your way. When it comes time for bed you will have no problem clearing your mind and relaxing into a peaceful sleep. With this peaceful mind, you will have better, more pleasant dreams too! I highly recommend this product.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Amazing product,
By Timothy Whitecotton “thankful” (WA) –
Sleep Rescue is a unique product. It will help you relax and be less stressed during the day and it will help you sleep like a baby during the night. I just put few drops in my water or if I am under stress I put few drops under my tongue and that takes care of it. Just try it you will love it.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Smooth the rough edges of life,
By Julie Gray –
I have been taking sleep rescue since February of 2013. I take a little bit in my water throughout the day. For me it helped with much more than sleep. I am clearer – more focused – more balanced in my emotions. I can actually feel in my body when I haven’t had any or enough that day. The edges of life are just smoother. I feel that it has helped clear away a lot of toxic build-up in my mind and body. Not sure if this is what it is supposed to do but that is how I feel.
5.0 out of 5 stars
By Laura (California, usa) –
This is brilliant! helps your sleep through the night but also is soothing and help with stress and anxiety! Oh yeah and it’s all natural too…bonus!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Sleep Rescue has spoiled me. Thanks,
By baheej Majeed –
My sleeping has been just fine, but my mood has been so much better, overall. It’s like I don’t carry the day’s issues into my sleep somehow.
5.0 out of 5 stars
By Dee –
its an fantastic product! not only good for sleeping. it helps in every situation in your life! such an wonderful nature mix! many many tanks to Sophie! Light and Love to everybody!
5.0 out of 5 stars
love to sleep now,
By Suzana Eicher –
The sleep rescue says what it does. I had troubles with sleeping, like waking up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep in again for some hours. Ever since I take ‚sleep rescue’ since May 2013 my sleeping habit improved totally. I sleep deeper like as if I slept for hours. I hardly can open my eyes when the alarmclock starts to ring in the morning. Of course it also has a very positive inpact on my mood during the day, less tensed, less stressed, more friendly, more joyfull. Great price for a very good product. I love to sleep now.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Good product,
By Fairy Dogmother “Healthy Dogs, not Poisoned D… (Hawaii) –
Nice powerful mix, great natural option for balance. Would be terribly expensive to make this mix yourself. So glad to have found someone who has done all the hard work for me! Quality product, great price, worth the investment in yourself.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Sleep Help: sleep remedy, fast fall asleep…,
By Slobodanka Zilih –
As one of the first costumers of the Sleep Rescue I started taking it in February 2012 and it’s my main and indispensable remedy as long as live. Why? My main results: the anxiety and panic attacks I had for about 5 years lessened significantly in about a week or so; as a chronic insomniac I went from 3-4 hours of night sleep to 6-7. After a month I noticed that my life-long morning nausea disappeared, as well as the anger, irritability, to mention a few, and so on.
And there’s another, unexpected and surprising, ‘side effect’: after 1.5-2 months I had started loosing weight (another life-long struggle) spontaneously, no diet, no struggle, it was just melting away and within 6-7 months I got rid of of 12 kilos! slowly but steadily… and kept my weight down to this day!!! Amazing remedy.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Slept through the whole night,
By K. Griffith –
I’ve tried many natural supplements such as melatonin and L-tryptophan to help me sleep, and they helped some. But this is doing a much better job. In fact, last night I slept the whole night through, which I hadn’t been able to do for years.
I was also surprised to discover that it helps smooth out my mood swings during the day. I’ve started taking it in my water spread out through the day.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great for reducing anxiety, quickly.,
By will davis –
Great product, i take it in my water during the day and feel less anxiety; more relaxed almost immediately.
I have been using sleep rescue for over a year and highly recommend it, if you are considering it, i say definitely give it a try and reap the benefits.