The energy remedies information that follows is one way to look at this information, and after reading the article you are free to form your own opinion. Whether or not you agree with the subject matter is up to you, and you are certainly free to make up your own mind about the material presented here.
Warning: I am not a health professional. I speak from my experience, and I muscle test what I say before I put it in writing. That doesn’t make it true… So take what I say with a grain of salt.
Hearth disease runs in my family. Both my parents died from heart disease, and both my brothers have the symptoms.
I have several of the signs listed below… earlier signs that could alert you ahead of time that your heart was in trouble.
Here are seven clues that your heart needs attention. Any of these signs — and particularly two or more together — should start you look to remedy the underlying causes, which are lifestyle causes, for the most part. Lack of movement, wrong diet, or unmanaged emotions.
In my case two simple changes in lifestyle, reducing sugar intake and a short daily walk will probably add 20 years to my life.
Sexual problems
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an tip-off to the fact that your heart isn’t able to pump blood fast enough and strong enough that it reaches the tiny capillaries of the penis or, in women’s case, the whole genital area. In women, reduced blood flow to the genital area can impede arousal, make it harder to reach orgasm, or make orgasms less satisfying.
Conversely, most heart medication and most blood sugar medication cause erectile dysfunction… which doesn’t seem to make sense, but that’s just how it is.
What is happening? Narrowing and hardening of the arteries make the heart work harder and yet at some point it isn’t able to cause sufficient blood flow to give or keep an erection. The blood vessels are smaller than the ones closer to the heart. Erectile dysfunction is often the first sign of artery stiffness. The anxiety associated with lack of “performance” causes less breathing which causes less oxygen reaching the heart muscles. Lack of oxygen will lead to ongoing fatigue and weakness, and can cause the heart muscles to suffer… and cause heart failure eventually.
Sleep Apnea
If you snore loudly enough to keep your sleeping partner awake or to force him or her to resort to earplugs, your heart may be at risk not just your relationship.
Restricted breathing — the underlying cause of snoring — is linked with all types of cardiovascular maladies. Sleep apnea, when your breath is blocked and completely stops during sleep, causes you to have a higher risk of both cardiovascular disease and heart attack.
What is happening? Sleep apnea lowers the blood oxygen that feeds the heart and thought to damage the right side of the heart, which has to pump harder to support the lungs.
Sore, Swollen, or Bleeding Gums
Sore, swollen, or bleeding gums are symptoms of bacteria that not only cause the gums to become inflamed and pull away from the teeth — but also a sign that you have that bacteria throughout your body and it is a plaque creating bacteria that can build a lot of plaque in your arteries causing cardiovascular disease.
What is happening? Experts believe that poor circulation due to heart disease could be an underlying cause of periodontal disease. I think it is the other way around, the poor circulation is the result of the activity of the bacteria. The inflammation is the symptom…
As a child I had repeated bouts with bacterial infections, and that resulted in an enlarged heart. Whether the bacteria is a result of infection (disease causing bacteria) or an overpopulation of bacteria due to diminished or insufficient immune response is immaterial, the results are similar.
This bacteria, according to my experience and muscle test, thrives on simple sugars, whether they are in candy or in fruits is immaterial.
A diet recommended for candida seems to be a good diet to reduce the amount of plaque forming bacteria both in the mouth and in the arteries.
Controlling the bacteria by extreme measures is also important, especially while you are adjusting your diet. Irrigating the teeth with Hydrogenperoxide solution or the Miracle Mineral solution seems to keep this in check for me. I have also heard of probiotics for the mouth: haven’t explored that avenue yet.
Puffy or Swollen Legs or Feet
If your feet swell enough to make your shoes tight; your ankles, wrists, or fingers are noticeably puffy; or there are deep pressure marks or indents when you take off socks or hose, you may have a problem with fluid retention. Edema, fluid retention can be an early sign of coronary artery diseases to come, heart failure, and other forms of cardiovascular disease.
What is happening? Fluid retention happens when the heart can’t pump strongly enough and blood can’t carry waste products away from tissues in the feet, ankles, fingers, hands, and legs. These are called extremities because they’re furthest from the heart. This is where circulation is poorer.
Irregular Heartbeat or Arrhythmia
An early sign that something in the cardiovascular system is out of whack is irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia. It may feel like your heart is skipping beats, beating too fast, or pounding too hard.
What is happening? The most common cause of irregular heartbeat is Coronary Artery Disease (meaning plaque buildup in the coronary artery). The plaque restricts blood flow to the heart, straining the electrical system that keeps the heartbeat regular. The weakened heart overcompensates by beating harder and faster, causing arrythmia.
Tightness or Aching in the Chest or Shoulder
Angina, (officially called angina pectoris) is different from the sharp clutching pain of a heart attack; it feels like a deep ache or a constriction or weight on the chest, and it feels worse when you try to breath. Angina feels different to different people; it ranges from a feeling of heaviness, fullness, or pressure rather than pain. It is often mistaken for indigestion or heartburn as well, or when the pain is in the shoulder, neck, jaw, arm, or upper back, people take it for a pulled muscle.
A biggest difference between the angina and a pulled muscle or indigestion is that you’re angina comes and goes, while pulled muscle or indigestion are more isolated or prolonged episodes of discomfort.
What is happening? When plaque builds up in the coronary arteries, it deprives the heart muscle of blood. It is triggered by anything that puts an additional strain on the heart, such as exercise or physical or emotional stress.
Your best bet is a combination of rest and a drastic alteration of your diet… like in the periodontal disease above.
Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing are important indicators that you either have a problem already, or you soon will. The occasion for the shortness of breath can be physical exertion, or emotional stress, mostly fear. It may feel like you can’t catch your breath (mostly with physical exertion), or it’s a feeling of compression in the chest and lungs, making it difficult to take a deep breath (this is caused mostly by anxiety and fear).
Another breathing symptom of poor circulation may be labored breathing, wheezing, when fluid accumulates in the lungs. If your breathing problems are worse at night or anytime you lie down, that can also indicate a fluid accumulation problem.
What to do: Shortness of breath, either with exercise and emotional stress is always a warning sign you should heed. It can signal a heart muscle issue, it can signal plaque buildup, it can signal emotional issues, but either way, it can kill you.
My remedies are all emotional, but almost all of these symptoms are also the sign of emotional issues, so taking Heaven on Earth regularly, and resolving emotional issues should be a priority.