Prevent Colds and Flu and Stay Healthy During Seasonal Change

From time to time we’ll be confronted with early signs of the flu or colds despite our best efforts to live in robust health, especially during seasonal changes. In many cases the onset of full blown symptoms can be prevented by giving your body what it needs to heal itself, and there are many natural, holistic and homeopathic options to do so, says Chiropractic Wellness Doctor Susan Seven-Sky …

Welcome to our site. Here, you will find everything you need to know about healing, without the hype.

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The article below is the latest addition to our site and it is a real education to read. We hope to sparks some ideas for you.From time to time we’ll be confronted with early signs of the flu or colds despite our best efforts to live in robust health, especially during seasonal changes and at the end of the winter when our vitamin D3 stores are depleted due to no exposure to sunlight. In many cases the onset of illness can be prevented by giving your body what it needs to heal itself, and there are many natural, holistic and homeopathic options to do so.

My method is to support my body with dressing correctly. Your body loses most of its heat on the feet and on the head. Wear sufficient footwear and two pairs of socks if needed: I do.

I keep the temperature in my apartment at an even 51 degrees. The most dangerous times are not the cold spells, but the warmer days.
Continue reading “Prevent Colds and Flu and Stay Healthy During Seasonal Change”

Bach Flower Remedies For Women

The video that was in this space before has been banned…

But you can always listen to all the Bach Energies embedded in my video… and get the same or better results…

Even better, consume them in a remedy… that you can make on your own with my Heaven on Earth audio.

OK, here is the video

Dr Edward Bach and Flower Remedies

In this video we share our thoughts on Dr Edward Bach and his Flower Remedies …. . CONTINUE……

ALL information is shared from our heart and love for Dr Edward Bach and our belief that Bach flower/ flower essences work and it would be something we think you should research.

We have included links below to another company who supplies Bach remedies that is made in the exact same way as Dr Bach and we have found these ‘EQUALLY’ as effective as Bach flower ‘original’ brand.

Bach Centre
Dr Masaru Emoto