This video is a talk by Ms. Rukmini Iyer HELP on 4 Dec 2013. Topic “Bach Flower Therapy Part 1 Introduction & The Emergency Combination Remedy ” This is part…
Tag: bach flower
Bach Flower Remedies For Animals
The video that was in this space before has been banned…
Animals are the ultimate test: if they change behavior as a result of some remedy: then the remedy works not because of some placebo effect, but because it has something potent… repeatable…
You can play This video for your animal… All the Bach Energies® are embedded in my video… and get the same or better results that the Bach Remedies: guaranteed. For you and your animal.
Of course if the animal is too sick to heal… no remedy will help… there is no other healing but self-healing. And it needs energy.
You know if the animal has enough energy to heal… And you have to tell yourself the truth.
But if the animal is curable… then this healing modality works miracles.
The energies work even stronger if they are infused in water and consumed. you can make on your own remedy with my Heaven on Earth audio, Unconditional Love Remedy, or Effortless Abundance Remedy with their own audio.
OK, here is the video
Making a Bach Flower Remedy – The Traditional Way (Creature Comforters UK)
Flower Remedies are used to help gently address transient emotional and behavioural problems ~ naturally. They were discovered in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach.
Our Genuine Bach Flower Remedies are made according to the traditional and trusted methods developed by Dr Bach. We are also distinct in that we blend each individual stock bottle to the traditional stock concentration ~ direct from the ‘Mother’ tincture. Our Remedies are made the way Dr Bach intended & are from the birthplace of Bach’s Remedies